
Phonemic Awareness

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  • How many syllables does the word RECYCLE have?
    3 = RE - CY - CLE.
  • How many syllables does the word PRESERVE have?
    2 = PRE - SERVE
  • Definition: Are specially important for learning phonics which is knowledge of how printed letters or groups of letters represent the sounds in spoken words. What is it?
    The Phonemic Awareness.
  • Definition: Is the ability to identify and manipulate individual sounds in words. What is it?
    The Phonemic Awareness
  • How many syllables does the word BASKET have?
    2 = BAS - KET.
  • Cat has 3 letters and 1 sound. True or False?
    FALSE, HAS 3 SOUNDS /C/ /A/ /T/
  • Cach has 4 letters and 3 sounds. True or False?
  • Definition: Are when two or more consonants are blended together, but you still hear each sound, such as in the words. What are they?
    The Consonant Blends.
  • Definition: A combination of two letters representing one sound as in ph and sh. What are they?
    The Digraphs
  • Definition:Are groups of two or more vowels that word together to make a specific sound. What are they?
    The vowel Teams
  • How many syllables does the word ROBOT have?
    2 = RO - BOT
  • Definition: Refers to r-controlled syllables. When the letter R follows a vowel sound, changing its pronunciation. The r- controlled vowels include ar, er, ir, or, and ur. What is it?
    Boosy R
  • How many syllables does the word BASIC have?
    2 = BA - SIC
  • Rich has 4 letters and 3 sounds. True or False?
  • How many syllables does the word SECRET have?
    2 = SE - CRET
  • How many syllables does the word RAINBOW have?
    2  = RAIN - BOW
  • Definition: Is one of five keys to reading along with phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, What is it?
    The phonemic awareness
  • Definition: Are groups of letters whose distinct sounds are difficult to separate when segmenting words. What are they?
    The Glued sounds.
  • How many syllables does the word CUPCAKE have?
    2 = CUP - CAKE
  • How many syllables does the word CONSONANT have?
    3 = CON - SO - NANT
  • Pitch has 6 letters and 3 sounds. True or False?
  • How many syllables does the word COMPLETE have?
    2 = COM - PLETE.