
Optics and Vision - Part 1

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  • Red + Green = ?
  • 7) If the light is reflecting at an angle of 30º, what is the angle of incidence?
  • Yellow cellphone will absorb _________ light and reflect ________.
    blue / green and red
  • What is the function of the retina?
    The retina is a special lining on the back of the eye which has receptor cells that send messages to the brain.
  • What colours were observed in the light ray after it passed through a prism?
    Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet
  • Give two examples of transparent objects.
    Materials that allow light to pass through. Ex.: glass and lens.
  • What is the function of the pupil?
    The pupil controls the amount of light entering the eye.
  • What is a luminous object? Give two examples.
    Objects that produce light. Ex.: Sun, light bulb, flashlight, fire.
  • Which property of light do lenses represent?
    Lenses demonstrate the REFRACTION of light
  • Which property of light do mirrors represent?
    Mirrors demonstrate the REFLECTION of light.
  • The Law of REFLECTION states that, on reflection from a smooth surface, the angle of the reflected ray is ___________ to the angle of the incident ray. (DIFFERENT or EQUAL?)
  • How is the image of an object in a convex mirror?
    Image is upright and smaller that the object
  • What are non-luminous objects? Give two examples.
    Objects that do not produce light but may reflect it. Ex.: Moon, most objects on Earth.
  • Light travels in ___________ lines from its source, it cannot bend around objects (CURVED or STRAIGHT?)
  • Which one is a concave lens? Which one is a convex lens?
    A. Convex. B. Concave
  • Give two examples of transluncent objects.
    Materials that allow SOME light to pass through. Ex.: some types of cloth, stained glass.
  • Blue + Green = ?
  • How are mirrors and lenses useful in creating optical instruments?
    They are useful in magnifying nearby and far away objects.
  • Blue cars will absorb _______ light and reflect ______ light.
    red and green / blue
  • What is the difference between umbra and penumbra?
    Umbra: fully shaded region. Penumbra: partially shaded region.
  • Refraction is a change in _______ of light as it travels from one material to another. (DIRECTION or INTENSITY?)
  • How is the image of an object in a concave mirror?
    The position, size, and type of the image depends on how close the object is to the mirror.
  • What is the function of the iris?
    The iris is a band of muscle which controls the pupil.
  • Black feathers will absorb ________ light and reflect ________ light.
    red, blue and red / NO
  • Give two examples of opaque materials.
    Materials that do NOT allow light to pass through. Ex.: wood, metal, thick plastic.
  • Blue + Red = ?