
Debate Starter 1 Intro Terms

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  • Neutral
    Being neutral means not taking a side. It's like when you don't pick a team when your friends are arguing about which ice cream flavor is the best.
  • Position
    This refers to where someone stands on the motion, whether they agree or disagree. It's like picking a side in a game.
  • Adjudicator
    This is like a teacher or a referee in a game. Their job is to listen to both sides in a debate and decide who made the better argument.
  • Negative/Opposition
    This team disagrees with the motion. Using the same example, the Negative team would say, "No, we don't think school uniforms should be mandatory.
  • Second Speaker
    After the first speaker, the second speaker takes a turn. They usually continue explaining their team's ideas and might also start responding to what the opposi
  • Evidence
    Facts, statistics and quotes you can find by researching online.
  • Opposing Team
    The team that disagrees with your team. If you're on the Affirmative team, the Negative team is your opposing team, and vice versa.
  • Third Speaker
    This is often the last speaker for each team. They summarize everything their team has said and make a strong final argument to convince the adjudicator that th
  • Rebuttal
    This is when you listen to what the other team says and then try to prove why they're wrong or why your team's ideas are better. It's like saying, "You think th
  • Speaker
    In a debate, a speaker is someone from either team who takes turns talking and presenting arguments to support their team's side of the motion.
  • First Speaker
    : This person is the first one to speak for their team. They usually introduce the team's main ideas and start explaining why their team agrees or disagrees wit
  • Motion
    Think of the motion as the topic of the debate, like a question or a statement that the teams will either agree or disagree with. It's what the debate is all ab
  • Order of Speakers
    This is the planned sequence or lineup showing who will speak first, second, third, and so on during the debate. It helps organize the debate so everyone knows
  • Affirmative/Proposition
    This team agrees with the motion. If the topic is "School uniforms should be mandatory," the Affirmative team would say, "Yes, we think school uniforms are a go
  • Explanation
    When you give a reason that explains why your argument makes sense by giving more details.