
All about our Heroes

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  • The place where Government members and members of the opposition meet each week to discuss the nation's business is called ________ house..
  • Which National Hero started a shipping company called the Black Star Line
    Marcus Garvey
  • Which National Hero died in England and his remains brought back to Jamaica to be buried?
    Marcus Garvey
  • Which National Hero started the P.N.P.?
    Norman Manley
  • True or False- Sam Sharpe said these words, " I would rather die on yonder gallows than to live in slavery"
  • What what the name of the rebellion that was started by Sam Sharpe?
    Christmas Rebellion
  • Which National hero is on the Jamaican 50 dollars?
    Sam Sharpe
  • Which 2 National heroes were cousins?
    Norman Manley and Sir Alexander Bustamante
  • Which national hero is on the Jamaican 20 dollar?
    Marcus Garvey
  • Who was the first Prime Minister of independent Jamaica?
    Sir Alexander Bustamante
  • Which National Hero Started the J.L.P?
    Sir Alexander Bustamante
  • Which National hero is associated with the parish of St. Ann?
    Marcus Garvey
  • Which national hero is associated with the parish of Portland?
  • What was the name of the rebellion that took place in 1865 in St. Thomas?
    Morant Bay Rebellion
  • Which National Hero was a lawyer, soldier and athlete?
    Norman Manley
  • I am a National Hero, an airport is named after me
    Norman Manley
  • I was hanged on October 24, 1865, a day after my close friend George William Gordon. Who am I?
    Paul Bogle
  • Which National Hero was born in St. James?
    Sam Sharpe
  • This National hero was a very privileged slave and was taught to read and write by his master
    Sam Sharpe
  • Which National Hero is on the Jamaican 500 dollar note?
  • I was born in St. Andrew, my mother was a black slave girl and my father a white, Scottish Planter
    George William Gordon
  • Who was the first National Hero of Jamaica?
    Marcus Garvey
  • Which 2 National Heroes were Baptists?
    Paul Bogle and Sam Sharpe
  • The National Heroes Park is located in which parish?
  • Which national hero was of the Ashanti tribe in Africa?
  • I am a National hero, a hospital was named in my honour ___________
    Sir Alexander Bustamante
  • True or False - Bob Marley is a National Hero.
  • Which National Hero was born in the parish of Hanover?
    Sir Alexander Bustamante
  • Which of the following is the correct title that should be given to a national hero? (Sir, The Right Honourable or the Right Excellent)
    The Right Excellent
  • A statue of this National Hero is outside of the Morant Bay court house in St. Thomas?
    Paul Bogle?