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  • "Do you prefer public or private hospitals, and why?"
  • "How do you usually find and select new doctors or hospitals?"
  • "What has been your best experience at a hospital, and why?"
  • "How often do you go for routine check-ups?"
  • What factors do you consider when choosing a hospital for a check-up?"
  • "What role does technology play in your hospital visits?"
  • "Do you usually share your medical experiences with others, and why or why not?"
  • "Have you ever had a particularly bad experience at a hospital? What happened?"
  • "What kind of information do you expect to receive during a check-up?"
  • "How do you feel about the availability of emergency services at your local hospital?"
  • "Do you have any specific criteria for determining the quality of healthcare services?"
  • "Do you prefer seeing a general practitioner or a specialist for your check-ups?"