
Fix the be verb questions very simple

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  • Fix the question. Answer the question: the teacher you are
    Are you the teacher? No, I am not.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: today is Monday
    Is today Monday? No, it's not.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: you happy are
    Are you happy? Yes, I am.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: are married you
    Are you married? Yes, I am. No, I am not.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: post office the is where
    Where is the post office? on Russell Parkway
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: a singer are you
    Are you a singer? Yes, I am. No, I'm not.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: are parents where your
    Where are your parents? At home.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: your mother and father Chinese are
    Are your mother and father Chinese? Yes they are. No they aren't.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: are from Korea your friends
    Are your friends from Korea? Yes, they are.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: Talented your friend is
    Is your friend talented? Yes, she is.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: a student your sister is
    Is your sister a student? Yes, she is.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: class finished is at 12:00
    Is class finished at 12:00? Yes it is.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: your teacher is friendly
    Is your teacher a singer? Yes, she is.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: your classmates smart are
    Are your classmates smart? Yes, they are.
  • Fix the question. Answer the question: in the car is who
    Who is in the car? my mother