
Joseph the dreamer

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  • Who bought Joseph from merchantmen
  • How did Joseph come into favour with the Pharaoh?
    He interpreted dreams
  • How old did Joseph die?
  • Why did Joseph's brothers come into Egypt?
    To get the food they needed
  • What did Joseph become well known for in prison ?
    Interpreting dreams
  • What was the meaning of Pharaoh's dreams?
    Seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine.
  • Why did Joseph's brothers hate him?
    Their father loved Joseph most.
  • Why did Joseph get thrown in Prison?
    Potiphar's wife convinced Potiphar that Joseph tried to lie with her.
  • What was the recurring theme in Joseph's dream?
    Joseph's family would bow down to him.
  • How many brothers did joseph have?
  • Who was Joseph's father ?
    Jacob (Israel)