
Active to passive

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  • He never cleans the bathroom
    The bathroom is never cleaned
  • The students did their homework
    Their homework was done
  • In 1939 Germany invaded Poland
    In 1939 Poland was invaded by Germany
  • Sam turned on the light
    The light was turned on by Sam
  • The police caught the dangerous spy.
    The dangerous spy was caught
  • Gillian wrote an excellent essay
    An excellent essay was written by Gillian
  • John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was killed by John Wilkes Booth
  • Karl drives a Ferrari
    A Ferrari is driven by Karl
  • We waste a lot of time
    A lot of time is wasted
  • The people of Athens forced Socrates to drink hemlock poison
    Socrates was forced to drink hemlock poison by the people of Athens
  • She always made the soup
    The soup was always made
  • People usually send flowers to new moms
    New moms are usually sent flowers
  • The pirates boarded the merchant vessel
    The merchant vesset was boarded by the pirates
  • Peter reads a lot of books
    A lot of books are read by Peter
  • The minister hurried through the proposal
    The proposal was hurried through by the minister
  • The actor played the role of Macbeth
    The role of Macbeth was played by the actor.
  • The choir sang many songs
    Many songs were sung by the choir
  • She sets her books in Europe
    Her books are set in Europe