
Big Fat Quiz of the Year 2024

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  • Give 2 advantage of organic farming
    Low levels of pollution, employs local people
  • Which depositional landform is created by longshore drift?
  • Which depositional feature is formed in between two headlands in the sheltered bay?
  • Name 3 reasons we need water
    Grow crops, keep hydrated, produce energy.
  • Define backwash
    The movement of a wave back to sea
  • Name the 3 reasons we need energy
    Heating, electricity, transport
  • Name 3 reasons why food is a significant resource
    Food is needed to stop disease, people need food to be productive, obesity is an increasing problem.
  • The global distribution of resources is ...
  • Give 2 advantages of agribusiness
    Produces lots of food, profit for farmers
  • Which type of weathering causes rock to dissolve overtime.
  • A coastline made of layers of hard and soft rock at right angles to the coastline is know as what?
    Discordant coastline
  • Define the term erosion
    The wearing away of material
  • The movement of sediment along a coastline is know as ......?
    Longshore drift
  • Define water surplus
    When supply exceeds demand
  • Name the 4 stages of erosion in order
    Hydraulic action, abrasion, attrition, solution.
  • Give 2 disadvantages of organic farming
    Expensive food, only seasonal produce
  • Define the term resource
    A stock or supply of something that has a value or purpose.
  • Define the term food miles
    The distance food travels from farm to plate
  • Which type of erosion acts link sandpaper as a rock grinds against the cliff face.
  • Which type of transportation rolls large boulders along the sea bed.
  • Name 1 type of mechanical weathering
    Freeze thaw
  • A poor diet can lead to ...
  • Define swash
    The movement of a wave up the beach
  • What determines the direction of longshore drift?
    Prevailing wind
  • Why is demand for water increasing in the UK
    Increasing population, more houses, more appliances, more food.
  • Describe a headland
    Land sticking out to sea
  • Define water deficit
    When demand exceeds supply
  • Define agribusiness
    Large scale farming
  • Give 3 reasons we import food from LIC's
    Cheaper, seasonal food, climate
  • What happens to the material that is transported when wave energy slows down.
  • Define the term water insecurity
    Not having enough access to clean, safe water
  • Define carbon footprint
    The amount of carbon dioxide produced per person
  • Which type of mass movement causes saturated soil to slump.
  • Define organic farming
    Small scale farming
  • Name the 4 impacts of water insecurity
    War and conflict, waterbourne disease, reduction in food production, reduction in industrial output
  • Give 2 disadvantages of agribusiness
    Uses pesticides and chemicals, destroys hedgerows.
  • Which type of wave has a low wave height and creates a gently sloping beach.