
CME 2 - 茶文化

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  • 饮料
    yǐn liào - beverage
  • 红叶
    hóng yè -  red leaf
  • 身体
    shēn tǐ - body
  • 茶叶
    chá yè - tea leaves
  • 绿茶
    lǜ chá - green tea
  • 种花
    zhòng huā - grow flowers
  • 花茶
    huā chá - flower tea
  • 世界三大饮料是茶、咖啡和可可。
    shì jiè sān dà yǐn liào shì chá, kā fēi hé kě kě. -  The three major beverages in the world are tea, coffee, and cocoa.
  • 可可
    kě kě - cocoa
  • 茶是世界三大饮料之一。
    chá shì shì jiè sān dà yǐn liào zhī yī - Tea is one of the three major beverages in the world.
  • 红茶
    hóng chá - black tea
  • 茶对人的身体健康非常有益。
    chá duì rén de shēn tǐ jiàn kāng fēi cháng yǒu yì. - Tea is very beneficial for human health.
  • 中国的茶叶有很多种。
    zhōng guó de chá yè yǒu hěn duõ zhǒng. - There are many types of tea in China.
  • 认识
    rèn shí - to know, to recognise
  • 咖啡
    kā fēi - coffee
  • 健康
    jiàn kāng -  health
  • 乌龙茶
    wū lóng chá -  Oolong tea
  • 中国是世界上最早认识茶的国家。
    zhōng guó shì shì jiè shàng zuì zǎo rèn shí chá de guó jiā.  China is the country that first recognised tea in the world.
  • 体温
    tǐ wēn - temperature
  • 有益
    yǒu yì - beneficial
  • zhòng - to  grow