
Past Tenses

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  • What time you (get up) today)
    did you get up
  • When I (turn on)the TV, the match already (finish)
    turned on, had already finished
  • He (be) upset because somebody (steal) his bike
    was, had stolen
  • I (meet) my friend, but somebody already (tell) her the news
    met, had told
  • It (happen)when I (talk) to my parents
    happened, was talking
  • They (get married) last year
    got married
  • When I (arrive) at the party, Mike (stand) near the door
    arrived, was standing
  • What you (do) at 8.30 pm yesterday?
    were you doing
  • While I (do housework) the children (play ) in the garden
    was doing, were playing
  • I ( drive) along the motorway, when I (see) a dog
    was driving, saw