
Unit 2

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  • Type of bacteria that are comma-shaped.
  • Disease that is transmitted through water or contaminated food.
  • Type of algae which contains red pigments.
    Red algae
  • Type of bacteria that have elongated spiral shape.
    Spirilla and spirochaeta
  • Bacteria that can cause diseases such as tetanus and salmonellosis. Other contaminate food and spoil it.
    Harmful bacteria
  • These fungi grow in woods or meadows. Examples include the safron milk cap and the Champignon mushroom.
    Mushroom-forming fungi
  • Type of algae which contains orange pigments.
    Brown algae
  • Organisms that are eukaryotic, unicellular, or multicellular and heterotrophic. They live in moist, warm places that are protected from the light.
  • How many main groups are classified in a Protozoa?
  • Type of bacteria that are rod-shaped.
  • What is this type of protozoa which move or capture food by means of foot-like projections of the cytoplasm known as pseudopods?
    Rhizopod Protozoa
  • These are parasitic protozoa with a very simple structure and no movement structures. They owe their name to the fact they form resistant structures or spores.
    Sporozoan Protozoa
  • In these fungi, the mycelium has a cotton-like apperance. They often grow on food, skin or moist ground.
  • Cells that join to form filament-like structure.
  • She is a patient microbiologist. She was born in 1895 in New York and studied at a women’s university close to Boston.
    Rebecca Lancefield
  • Are prokaryotic, unicellular organisms that can be autotrophic and heterotrophic.
  • The kingdom Protoctista includes _____ and ____.
    Protozoa and Algae
  • A type of fungi that is like yeasts.
    Unicellular fungi
  • It is a single filament and they move like a whip.
  • A type of protozoa that has tiny motile filaments on their surface.
    Ciliate Protozoa
  • Microscopic beings that can adapt to all environments (water, land, and air) and to the insides of living beings.
  • The bacteria found in our bodies help us to function properly.
    Helpful bacteria
  • Organisms that are eukaryotic, unicellular, or multicellular and autotrophic. They live in aquatic environment.
  • Fungi lives in __, warm places that are protected from the light
  • Name this part of the Protozoan Cell.
  • A single-celled eukaryotes (organisms whose cells have nuclei) that commonly show characteristics usually associated with animals, most notably mobility and heterotrophy.
  • Disease spread by mosquito bites.
  • What do you call the tiny motile (moving) filaments on the surface of Ciliate Protozoa?
  • Type of bacteria that are spherical.
  • This is a greek word and also known as false feet. A foot- like projections of the cytoplasm.
  • Type of algae which predominantly contain chlorophyll.
    Green algae