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  • What is a vocabulary word that means "limited"?
  • How do you spell your Speaking teacher's first name correctly?
  • What is a small idea or event that makes something else happen on a greater scale?
  • Fill in the blanks: "Mr. and Mrs. Smith__________ (avoid) many fights if they ____________ (communicate) more." (past unreal conditional- possible result)
    might/could have avoided ; had communicated
  • What is a noun that means "the act of trying to stop something from happening"?
  • Name 3 different phrases that are used to express a personal opinion (that we talked about in class).
    1. As far as I'm concerened. 2. In my opinion 3. I think 4. I believe 5. As I see it 6. It seems to me 7. To me 8. From my perspective
  • In the past unreal conditional, we use the (past perfect or simple past) in the IF CLAUSE? (which one?)
    past perfect
  • What is a verb that means "to show to be true"?
  • What is a past unreal conditional? (in your own words)
    An expression used to describe a situation that was possible or doable in the past but did not happen.
  • Usually, when a speaker uses tag questions with rising intonation, the speaker is expressing (uncertainty / agreement). [Choose one]
  • In the present and future unreal conditional, the IF Clause uses the (past perfect / simple past). [Choose one.]
    simple past
  • What is the capital of the United States?
    Washington, D.C.
  • Fill in the blank: "If grocery stores ________ (be) less expensive, more people could afford healthy food."
  • What is a person who studies a suject in extreme detail called?
  • Fix the mistake in this sentence: "If I was president, I would give everyone a good education."
    If I WERE president, I would give everyone a good education.
  • Name 3 synonyms for the word "motivate".
    encourage, inspire, influence, stimulate, push, persuade, lead...