
E.P. 5 Kid's Box Intro Week

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  • What do you do when you hear a Call To Action?
    Look, Listen, Be Quiet, Be Nice
  • Tell me two ways you can go into the green zone.
    1) Follow the rules 2) Work Hard 3) Be Kind 4) Be Helpful
  • This school subject teaches me about old things and what happened in the past!
    It's History.
  • Tell me two reasons why you can go into the yellow zone.
    1) Not Following the rules 2) Not Working Hard 3) Not Being Kind 4) Not Being Helpful
  • Where do you live? How do you go to school?
    I live in _____. I go to school by _____.
  • This school subject teaches me about people, places and countries around the world!
    It's Geography.
  • Vietnamese, English, French, Chinese are all examples of what school subject?
  • What are the four classroom rules?
    Look, Listen, Be Quiet, Be Nice
  • This thing helps me to understand and know the definition of a word.
    A dictionary.
  • Tell me the only reason you will go to the red zone.
    You are in yellow and continue to not listen or follow the rules.
  • What is the name of the book you are using?
    It's Kid's Box 5.
  • This school subject teaches me about plants, chemistry, bodies and the way the world works!
    It's Science.