
Dog Man Vol.1, Review Chapter 1+2+3+4

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  • Chapter 2: What does Dog Man use to find Petey?
  • Chapter 1: Who sat on Chief's new couch?
    Officer Knight and Greg the Dog
  • Chapter 2: How does Petey escape prison?
    Invisible spray
  • Chapter 3: Who filled Petey's car with gas?
    The mechanics
  • Chapter 2: Is Dog Man sad when Chief is fired?
    Yes, he does
  • Chapter 4: Does Petey want to eat hot dogs in jail now?
    No, he doesn't
  • Chapter 1: Who rip the vaccuum's bag?
    Petey's claws
  • Chapter 4: What did Petey use to make the hot dog wake up?
    Living spray
  • Chapter 4: What did Petey use to call the dogs (and Dog Man)?
    Dog whistle and megaphone
  • Chapter 3: How many bagels did the girl give Petey?
    16 bagels
  • Chapter 2: What did Dr. Scum build?
    A robot
  • Chapter 1: What does the vacuum cleaner do to Dog Man?
    Eats him
  • Chapter 4: How did Philly die?
    It exploded
  • Chapter 2: Who brought old Chief back?
    New mayor
  • Chapter 4: Where did Petey put all the dogs?
    In the cage
  • Chapter 3: Who did Petey use to escape jail?
    Big Jim
  • Chapter 4: Were the people scared of the hot dog army?
    No, they weren't
  • Chapter 1: What did Petey send Officer Knight and Greg the dog?
    A bomb
  • Chapter 1: What does Dog Man do after he saves Petey?
    He captures Petey
  • Chapter 3: Who fell in love with the trash?
    Petey's butler
  • Chapter 2: Why isn't Petey invisible?
    Petey got wet from Dog Man's water
  • Chapter 1: Where does the vacuum cleaner go?
  • Chapter 4: Who helped Petey escape from jail?
    A hot dog
  • Chapter 2: How did Dog Man catch the evil mayor?
  • Chapter 1: Who made Dog Man?
  • Chapter 3: How many donuts did Petey want to buy?
    12 donuts
  • Chapter 2: What did Petey do to the customers?
    Pull down their pants
  • Chapter 1: Who can't swim?
    Petey the Cat
  • Chapter 2: How did Petey kill Robo-Chief?
    Slide and Rocket!
  • Chapter 1: Who saves Petey?
    Dog Man
  • Chapter 3: Who pooped in the office?
    Dog Man