
Food Idioms

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  • What does it mean "Compare apples and oranges"?
    To compare things that are very different
  • What does it mean "Have a lot on one's plate"?
    to be very busy
  • Use "Walk on eggshells" in a sentence
  • What does it mean "That's the way the cookie crumbles"?
    That is the way that things happen
  • Use "Greatest thing since sliced bread" in a sentence
  • Use "Not my cup of tea" in a sentence
  • What does it mean to "Spill the beans"?
    Tell a secret
  • What does it mean "To have a sweet tooth"?
    Love for sugary and sweet foods
  • Use "Bitter pill to swallow" in a sentence.
  • Use "Piece of cake" in a sentence
  • Use "Like two peas in a pod" in a sentence
  • Use "On a silver platter" in a sentence
  • Use "Rotten to the core" in a sentence
  • Use "Have bigger fish to fry" in a sentence
  • What does it mean "Hard nut to crack"?
    Difficult person or thing to understand
  • What does it mean to "Cry over spilled milk"?
    Worry about something that can't be fixed
  • What does it mean "In a nutshell"?
    In summary.
  • Use "Bite off more than you can chew" in a sentence
  • What does it mean "As sweet as honey"?
    Very sweet person
  • What does it mean "As sour as vinegar"?
    Disagreeable person
  • What does it mean "to sugarcoat something"?
    Gloss over bad information
  • What does it mean "Take with a grain of salt"?
    Don't take something seriously
  • Use "Go bananas" in a sentence.