
Earthquakes and Volcanoes

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  • Fill in the blank (convergent, transform, divergent),When 2 tectonic plates move past each other.
    transform boundaries
  • This is type of the volcano that has a lot of seismic activity like smoke and ash coming out of the crater.,
    Active Volcano
  • What is the riverers of magma that flow on the side of the volcano are called?
    (secondary) vent
  • True or False. Most of the earthquakes are so small that you can barely feel them.
  • True or false? Volcanoes always erupt
  • Fill in the blank (convergent, transform, divergent),When 2 tectonic plates move apart from each other.
    divergent boundaries
  • What is Earth ground (crust) is made from?
    tectonic plates
  • What is a whole on top of the volcano where ash dust and smoke called?
  • This type of the volcano has no specific activity (sleeping) at this time but has high chance of erupting in the near
    Dormant Volcanoes
  • This type of the volcano is dead and will never erupt.
    Extinct Volcano
  • How do earthquakes happen?
    because the tectonic plates always move causing the Earth to shake>
  • Fill in the blank (convergent, transform, divergent),When 2 tectonic plates move towards each other.
    convergent boundaries
  • Fill in the blank: Magma is found ______ (inside or outside) of a volcano
  • What is the pool of magma at the bottom of the volcano is called?
    magma chamber
  • What elements come out of the earth's volcano?
    smoke, lava, ash, dust
  • True or False. Volcanoes exist underwater.
  • What is the neck of the volcano where the magma enters into crater is called?
  • Lava is found _____ (inside, outside) of a volcano