
Lenni Lenape

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  • What is the name of the shelter the Lenape lived in?
    wigwam or longhouse
  • Name three responsibilities of Lenape women.
    Planting and harvesting crops, gathering food, cooking food, making clay bowls and baskets, cleaning hides and making clothes and blankets
  • What happened after the Europeans came to Lenape land?
    The Lenape got sick and then moved away.
  • What does Lenapehoking mean?
    Land of the Lenape
  • Name three responsibilities of Lenape men.
    building homes, making canoes, making tools, hunting, fishing, trapping, fighting
  • Name the states where the Lenape lived.
    New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Connecticut.
  • Name ALL of the 3 sisters.
    beans, corn, squash
  • What was the shape of the Lenape shelter?
  • What is archaeology?
    the study of the human past
  • Name 3 responsibilities you'd have as a Lenape child.
    BOYS: learning to make tools, hunt, fish, dugout canoes, build shelters GIRLS: learning to gather, prepare food, make clothing and baskets
  • What did the Lenape use to travel on the rivers and lakes?
    dugout canoe
  • The Lenape tribe was divided into three _____.
  • True/False: The Lenape believed all living things had spirits.
  • The Lenape people believed Earth came from a ______.
  • Most of the time the Lenape lived in smaller villages of __ to __ people.
  • What would the Lenape have done with meat and fish so they had it for winter?
    smoked it over the fire and stored it in pits in the ground
  • What is bast and how was it used?
    fibers from a tree; used to attach materials together
  • Name two reasons why a river was an important resource for the Lenape.
    travel, fishing, water source
  • What tools did the Lenape make from bones? Name 3
    gardening tools like hoes and shovels, needles, whistles, hooks, ornaments, spear heads, knives
  • The 3 clans in the Lenape tribe were the ___, ___, and ___.
    wolf, turtle, and turkey
  • What was sinew used for?
    thread to attach different objects together
  • The Lenape sometimes lived in large villages of ___ to ___ people.
  • What 2 important materials the Lenape would have used to build their shelter?
    small saplings (trees), bark, mud, dried grasses and/or reeds
  • Name five animals the Lenape hunted/trapped.
    bear, deer, elk, beaver, otter, muskrat, raccoon, mink and wild cats, turkey, eagle, partridge, pigeon, wild ducks and geese
  • The Lenape lived along the banks of what river?
    Delaware River