
Empower B2 Unit 2 Narrative Tenses

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  • By the time we ___ (buy) our tickets, the film ___ (already/ start)
    By the time we bought our tickets, the film had already started
  • I _____ (hear) the phone ringing while I _____ (have) a shower.
    I heard the phone ringing while I was having a shower.
  • I knew he _____ because his eyes were red. a. cried b. had been crying c. was crying
    had been crying
  • When I ___ (arrive), there was nobody in the house; they ___ (leave) earlier that day.
    When I arrived, there was nobody in the house; they had left earlier that day.
  • After six months in Tokyo, Susan ____ (open) a karaoke bar, even though she ____ (not run) her own business before.
    After six months in Tokyo, Susan opened a karaoke bar, even though she hadn't run her own business before.
  • I ___ (wake up) suddenly: someone ___ (knock) loudly on my door.
    I woke up suddenly: someone was knocking loudly on my door.
  • A: What happened to your finger? B: I ____ (cut) myself while I ___ (make) lunch.
    I cut myself while I was making lunch.
  • The roads were so empty, we ____ (drive) for several hours before we ___ (see) another car.
    The roads were so empty, we had been driving for several hours before we saw another car.
  • We ______ (fly) for about 20 minutes when the plane was hit by turbulence.
    We had been flying for about 20 minutes when the plane was hit by turbulence.
  • When it ____ (start) to rain, we _______ (sit) on the beach.
    When it started to rain, we were sitting on the beach.
  • He admitted that he ______ all the money from the box. a. had been taking b. had taken c. had been taken
    had taken
  • When he ___(enter) the room, somebody _______ (hit) him on the head.
    entered/ hit
  • By the time the lesson _____ (finish), Susan _____ (talk) for one hour nonstop.
    had finished/had been talking
  • Correct the mistake: When she ate her sandwich, she went to bed.
    When she had eaten her sandwich, she went to bed. (OR She ate her sandwich, then went to bed)
  • Is it correct? When I was a child, we were living in the country
    When I was a child, we lived in the country.
  • There was no one to help us. We arrived at the hotel after midnight and ...a. the receptionist went home b. the receptionist had already gone home
  • I met/ was meeting her when we were/ had been at school together.
    I met her when we were at school together.
  • Is it correct? During I was in London, I bought some souvenirs.
    While I was in London, I bought some souvenirs
  • Is it correct? How long you were lived in Canada?
    How long did you live in Canada?
  • Is it correct? When I had got home yesterday, I watched TV.
    When I got home yesterday, I watched TV.
  • My letter ___ (not arrive) because I _____ (forget) to put a stamp on it.
    didn't arrive/had forgotten
  • I was happy, but really tired after... a. we've been exploring the city all day b. we'd been exploring the city all day
  • I ____ (have) breakfast and ____ (listen) to the news when the phone ___ (ring).
    I was having breakfast and listening to the news when the phone rang.
  • Is it correct? What did he do when he was hearing the news?
    What did he do when he heard the news?
  • Is it correct? What did happen at the end of the story?
    What happened at the end of the story?
  • Is it correct? As I was coming here today, I bought a snack.
  • Correct the mistake: By the time our food arrived, we waited half an hour.
    ......we had been waiting half an hour
  • I told John not to drive because he ______ all night. a. drank b. had been drinking c. had drunk
    had been drinking
  • The burglar _____ (try) to open the safe when the owner _____ (come) home.
    The burglar was trying to open the safe when the owner came home.
  • When the helicopter finally ____ (find) us, we ____ (sit) in the lifeboat for hours, and we ____ (eat) all our food.
    When the helicopter finally found us, we had been sitting in the lifeboat for hours, and we had eaten all our food.
  • I _____ (walk) home yesterday when I ____ (see) a group of people in front of the church.
    I was walking home yesterday when I saw a group of people in front of the church.
  • Is it correct? As I got off the train, I dropped my phone.
  • When we ____ (get) to the party, everyone ____ already _____ (dance) and ____ (drink)
    When we got to the party, everyone was already dancing and drinking.