
Past simple- error correction

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  • What do you did last night?
    What did you do last night?
  • They eat dinner at six o’clock yesterday.
    They ate dinner at six o’clock yesterday.
  • John flied to Argentina last week.
    John flew to Argentina last week.
  • I not see the movie last weekend?
    I did not/didn't see the movie last weekend?
  • I wanted to went to Montreal two years ago.
    I wanted to go to Montreal two years ago.
  • Did Maria drove to work this morning?
    Did Maria drive to work this morning?
  • Did you in class yesterday?
    Were you in class yesterday?
  • Was she buy a new car yesterday?
    Did she buy a new car yesterday?
  • Did you busy last Monday?
    Were you busy last Monday?
  • Did they has a good time at the party?
    Did they have a good time at the party?
  • Where was you stay in Australia?
    Where did you stay in Australia?
  • I was read that book last year.
    I read that book last year.
  • Who did you talked to?
    Who did you talk to?
  • I not finished my homework last night.
    I did not/didn't finish my homework last night.
  • Was you late for the meeting?
    Were you late for the meeting?
  • He weren’t at home last night.
    He wasn’t at home last night.