
Conditional sentences (Type 0,1,2)

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  • Correct the sentence: If I don’t meet with my friends after school, I chat with them on social media. (future)
    chat --> will chat
  • If I ___ (need) the money, I _____ (work) less. (I need money now)
    didn't need/ would work
  • If you drink cough syrup, you ______ (feel) better
    will feel
  • People get hungry if they _______ (not eat).
    don't eat
  • If it _____ (rain) tomorrow, I_____(take) the car.
    rains/ will take
  • Correct the sentece: If I saw something I like online, I share it with my friends. (always)
    saw --> see
  • Correct the sentence: If you are a celebrity, you wouldn’t have much private life.
    are --> were
  • If Sam _____ (live) closer to the cinema, she ___ (go) more often. (She lives far away from the cinema)
    lived/ would go
  • We'll be late for the film if we _____(hurry up).
    don't hurry up
  • If I _____ (be) you, I would go to see a doctor.
  • If you ______ (touch) a fire, you _____ (get) burned
    touch/ get