
Optimise B2 unit 3

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  • We have c___________ o______ a survey to find out how many people are happy with our customer service.
    carried out
  • Make sure those files are locked away. They are _______ s________.
    top secret
  • Can you pass me the __________ ____________. There is something I want to watch on the other side.
    remote control
  • If you are hungry, there is a ______________ machine in the corridor.
  • Archeologists have d______________ an ancient tomb.
    discovered / dug up
  • Can you hold on one minute? I need to go the cash ______________.
  • There is a _________ s___________ train that goes from here to Madrid.
    high speed
  • The police are l___________ i______ the crime.
    looking into
  • It was Alexander Fleming who d_____________ Penicillin.
  • What do you mean it doesn't work? Have you checked that it is p__________ i___?
    plugged in
  • The company is going to invest in some _________ t_______ computers.
    high tech
  • My car is old and keeps breaking down. I think it needs a new _________._
  • ________ p____________ cars look stunning but they are very expensive.
    High performance
  • She c_______ u___ w_______ a great idea to save money.
    came up with
  • He just can't f_________ o_____ what to do with his life.
    figure out
  • The car can reach a _________ s________ of 220kph.
    top speed
  • We need to g______________ more green energy.
  • There is a hammer, a screwdriver and some other _________ in the cupboard.
  • He works for a company that m_____________ parts for aeroplanes.
  • The 'Planet Earth' series is shot in ______ _____________ which captures the beauty of nature.
    high definition
  • We are having a new house built and it is c____________ o_____ really well.
    coming on
  • They're currently d______________ new software for the iPhone.