
Quiz: Tasseltip takes a ride

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  • What is this?
    A burst pipe
  • What was Granny doing when Tasseltip arrived at the cottage?
    sitting her favourite green armchair/huddled over a small fire.
  • Tasseltip and Robert ______ while they were having snowball fights.
    Ducked and dodged
  • " I want you to________ to Granny's house," said Mrs Rabbit.
    Go straight
  • Who came and shouted with an angry voice at Tasseltip and his friends?
    Mr Hedgehog.
  • What is this?
    A tray
  • What did Robert have with him when he met Tasseltip?
    a tray
  • Tasseltip finished his second helping of porridge, and decided not to ask for another as he was in a hurry to ___________
    He was in a hurry to go outside and play,
  • What is this?
    A shed
  • "Before you go out to play, I want you to ___________", said Mrs Rabbit to Tasseltip.
    Take this basket of groceries to Granny
  • What is this?
    A fireplace
  • What was Tasseltip munching at Mr Mole's house?
    Chopped carrots and some lettuce
  • What are the names of Tasseltip's squirrel friends?
    Susie and Friskie Squirrel
  • Granny asked Tasseltip to find some _____ in the ______.
    woods, shed
  • "I really don't feel well. Tasseltip, would you be a dear and go fetch ________ to look in and see me?"
    Nurse Mole
  • Why Mrs Rabbit doesn't want Granny to go out in a snowy weather?
    She hasn't feeling very well.
  • What is this?
    A toboggan
  • What does Robert Rat want to do with the tray?
    to play with/to go up to the top of the hill and ride down on it on a tray
  • Tasseltip remembered what his mother had told him: __________ on his way to see Granny.
    No dawdling
  • What is this?
    Jack frost pattern
  • Who has a bad temper in the story?
    Mr Hedgehog
  • Who is the main character of the story?
    Tasseltip Rabbit
  • What are Tasseltip and his friends doing at the top of the snowy hill?
    playing with the tray/sledding/snowball fights
  • Why Nurse Mole isn't at home when Tasseltip search for her at Mr Mole's house?
    She was on her rounds, visiting Dr Badger's patients.
  • Why Mr Hedgehog shouted at Tasseltip and his friends in an angry voice?
    He thought that they stole his tray.
  • Who threw a large snowball at the back of Robert's head as he and Tasseltip leaving to fetch Nurse Mole?
    Frankie Frog
  • "I expect walking in the snow for so long has given you _________, how about something to eat?" offered Mr Mole.
    An appetite