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  • What type of soil particle is medium-sized? clay, sand or silt
  • Name this source of oil pollution.
    oil rig / offshore extraction
  • Name the energy source.
    hydroelectric / dam
  • Name the energy source.
  • Describe the formation of oil.
    millions of years ago; plankton died; bottom of the sea; buried under sediment; heat and pressure; changed into oil
  • Name four components of soil.
    minerals / inorganic particles; organic matter; water; air
  • Name the rock.
  • Name the ocean.
    the Atlantic Ocean
  • Which type of soil holds the most water? clay, sand or silt
  • Name three potential resources from the oceans.
    food; building materials; chemicals; salt; sand; gravel; electricity; power; tourism; transportation; water supply
  • Name the rock.
  • Which of these is NOT a component of soil? air / water / wind / organic matter
  • Name four environmental impacts of mining.
    visual pollution; loss of habitat; air pollution; noise pollution; water pollution; traffic; land pollution
  • Which of these is NOT a renewable energy source? geothermal power / natural gas / wind power / biogas
    natural gas
  • Which of these is NOT a potential resource from the oceans? building / materials / grass-fed cattle / drinking / water
    grass-fed cattle
  • What is the vector for malaria?
    the female (Anopheles) mosquito
  • Name one impact of heavy metals in water.
    embryo development; miscarriage; brain development; deformities
  • Why is prawn fishing associated with large numbers of bycatch?
    small mesh in nets catches a large number of other species
  • Name one advantage of aquaculture.
    allows wild fish stocks to replenish
  • Name one impact of chemical detergents in water.
    poisonous; toxic; destroys mucus layer on fish; damage to gills
  • Which of these is NOT an environmental impact of mining? visual pollution / loss of habitat / air pollution / increased job opportunities
    increased job opportunities
  • Name the part of the Earth shown by the arrow.
    the crust
  • Female Anopheles mosquitos are the _ _ _ _ _ _ for malaria.
  • Name two examples of sedimentary rock.
    sandstone; limestone; shale
  • Name two methods for preventing oil spills.
    international treaties; monitoring equipment; GPS tracking; double-hulled oil tankers; ban on carrying oil in front of ship
  • What is the smallest type of soil particle? sand clay or silt
  • Describe how an El Nino event can decrease the number of fish on the Pacific Coast of South America.
    trade winds weaken; warm surface water moves to east Pacific Ocean; upwelling weakens; less nutrients from deep sea; to be used in photosynthesis
  • Name one impact of untreated sewage in water.
    diarrhoea; bacterial infection; dysentery; cholera
  • Name five strategies for preventing overfishing.
    aquaculture; net size, mesh size and shape; pole and line fishing; quotas; closed seasons; MPAs; conservation laws; international agreements
  • Name the part of the Earth shown by the arrow.
    the mantle
  • Under _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, sedimentary rocks can change into metamorphic rocks.
    heat and pressure
  • Why is upwelling important for fish populations?
    cycles nutrients; speeds up photosynthesis; provides energy for food chain
  • Name the part of the Earth shown by the arrow.
    the core
  • Name three environmental impacts of oil spills.
    toxic to organisms; hypothermia; inability to fly; eye irritation; drowning; suffocation; reduced photosynthesis; coral bleaching; bioaccumulation of toxins
  • Name two examples of igneous rock.
    basalt; granite; obsidian
  • Describe the process of upwelling.
    wind blows away from shore; pushes water away from shore; replaced by nutrient-rich water from deep sea
  • Which of these is NOT a fossil fuel? biogas / coal / oil / natural gas
  • Name two disadvantages of aquaculture
    habitat loss; water pollution; disease transfer; loss of biodiversity; need to catch wild fish to provide food
  • Name the ocean.
    the Indian Ocean
  • Describe how offshore oil extraction can lead to oil spills.
    Describe how offshore oil extraction can lead to oil spills.
  • Name the type of rock.
  • Name three factors that influence where major fish populations can be found.
    shallow water; continental shelf; where sunlight can penetrate; coatal waters; coral reefs; oceanic island; areas of major upwelling
  • Does the image depict a normal year or an El Nino year? How can you tell?
    El Nino - warm water has built up in the east of the Pacific Ocean
  • Define overfishing.
    Catching a large number of fish at a faster rate than they can reproduce.
  • Name the rock.
  • Name the energy source
  • Name two fossil fuels.
    coal; oil; natural gas
  • Name three examples of renewable energy sources.
    biofuels; geothermal; hydroelectric; tidal; wave; solar; wind power
  • Name this source of oil pollution.
    oil tanker / shipping
  • Name this source of oil pollution.
    oil pipeline
  • What is the largest type of soil particle? clay, sand or silt
  • Describe how shipping can lead to oil spills.
    hurricanes; collision; corrosion; poorly maintained equipment
  • Name the ocean.
    the Pacific Ocean
  • Describe how pipelines can lead to oil spills.
    poorly maintained equipment; corrosion; construction errors; collision; sabotage