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  • 我对英语最感兴趣。
    I am most interested in English.
  • 我不喜欢学数学,因为我不喜欢我的数学老师。
    I don't like studying math because I don't like my math teacher.
  • 你今年有几门课?
    How many classes/subjects do you have this year?
  • 我挺喜欢学物理的。我觉得物理很有趣。
    I quite like studying physics. I find physics interesting.
  • 你最喜欢的科目是什么?
    What is your favourite subject?
  • 我非常喜欢学语言。我经常看英文书和中文书。我的英语和汉语都学得挺好的。
    I like learning languages ​​very much. I often read English and Chinese books. I learn English and Chinese very well.
  • 他今年有几门语言课?
    How many language classes does he have this year?
  • 我对生物和化学特别感兴趣。
    I am particularly interested in biology and chemistry.
  • 你应该学好数学。你让妈妈给你请一个家教,怎么样?
    You should learn math well. How about you ask your mother to hire a tutor for you?
  • 我今年有十三门课,有英语、汉语、数学、物理、化学、生物、历史、地理、美术、戏剧等等。
    I have thirteen subjects this year, including English, Chinese, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, history, geography, art, drama, etc.
  • 我很不喜欢上体育课,因为我不会打篮球,也不喜欢跑步。
    I don't like physical education classes because I can't play basketball and I don't like running.
  • 我最不喜欢学历史,因为历史老师教得不好。
    I don’t like learning history the most because the history teachers don’t teach it well.
  • 学校离我家不远,走路十分钟就到了。
    The school is not far from my home, it only takes ten minutes to walk.
  • 她从来都没学过画油画。
    She had never learned oil painting.