
Core subjects History Unit 1.1

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  • charcoal
    black powder made from burnt wood
    a name for a dog
  • Stone age people hunted and ate mamoth.
  • Stone age people made and wore jewellery.
  • Mesolithic
    A period in the future when aliens will rule earth
    A period of history between the Paleolithic and Neolithic
    A period in the past when dinosaurs lived
  • Ice Age
    A time thousands of years ago where Earth was covered in ice
    a time in the future that all humans will be extinct.
    a time millions of years ago when earth was super hot
  • Give me 4 reasons why fire was very important to Stone Age people.
  • What does an archeologist do?
    watches lots of Netflix
    studies the future
    studies past human life by looking at objects.
  • What did Stone Age people use as paint?
    different colors of earth and charcoal.
    Normal paint.
  • settlement
    someone who studies ancient civlizations
    A place where people live
    Dried plants used for making houses
  • Pre-history means the time before humans learnt to write.
  • What is an 'Ice Age'?
    A time in the future
    A sunny hot time
    A period of time when earth was cold and snow covered.
  • What did people eat in the stone age?
    They went to Costco and bought everything.
    They hunted animals and gathered fruits and berries to eat.
    They had farms
  • Cave
    a hole in the ocean
    a big house
    a big hole or space in the side of a hill or mountain
  • Stone Age jewellery was made from what?
    bones, animal teeth, shells
    metal and plastic
  • Pre-historic people wrote lots of books
  • What is another word for 'hunter-gatherers'?
  • hunter-gatherers
    people who lived in big cities
    people who lived by hunting and gathering food.
    a huge wall to stop water
  • Tell me 3 facts about the Stone Age.
  • What is cave art?
    Art that was painted on moon
    Art that was painted on cave walls by stone age people.
    Huge sculptures on Mars
  • Timeline
    A line that shows when events happened in order
    A piece of land with flat areas
    A line that shows the future