
Strange but True

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  • You should throw salt over your left shoulder for good luck because the devil is supposed to be behind your left shoulder.
  • The people on Easter Island had to leave the island because the water became toxic.
    False. They left because they depleted the natural resources on the island.
  • Crop circles first appeared in the 1970s in Chile
    False. They first appeared in England in the 1970s
  • It is bad luck to walk under a ladder.
  • Opening an umbrella in the house is considered to be bad luck
  • Paraskevidekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th
  • A rabbit's foot is considered to be good luck
  • In the UK, Tuesday the 13th is considered to be an unlucky day.
    False. Friday the 13th is unlucky in the UK
  • There is a superstition that if you break a mirror you will have 6 years' bad luck
    False. You will have 7 years' bad luck
  • The ladybird is thought to be bad luck everywhere in the world
    False. It's considered to be good luck.
  • British explorer Percy Harrison Fawcett vanished when he was looking for Atlantis
    False. He was looking for the lost city of Z
  • According to legend, the first person to see the Loch Ness monster was St. Columba
  • Giant squid, trapped methane, and extraterrestrials have all been proposed as reasons for the disappearances of boats and aeroplanes in the Bermuda Triangle.
  • According to legend, if you hold a buttercup flower up to your chin, you an find out if someone likes milk.