
restaumatic final Tuesday 8:00 gramamr 2024

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  • Uncle George ________(not/visit) us for years. Why does he want to see us now?
    hasn't visited
  • Helmut (watch) English movies every day and it (help) him with his English.
    watches / helps
  • Hurry! Someone (follow) us.
    is following
  • "What _________________________ (you, do) yesterday morning between 9 and 12?" the detective asked.
    were you doing
  • Everyone (sleep) when the earthquake (hit) the small town.
    was sleeping/hit
  • I usually (sing) in the shower.
  • Here's my report. I ______it. (JUST FINISH
    have just finished
  • I was tired yesterday because I (not sleep) well the night before.
    had not slept
  • My mother (go) to the hairdresser's. She will be back soon.
    has gone
  • I ____________________ (see) a great film yesterday.
  • Amelia _____ (already/finish) cleaning when I returned
    had already finished
  • I _________________________ (meet) him last Monday.
  • Our relatives _____(come) here a month ago
  • How many times _________ you (see) ___________him since he went to Edinburgh?
    have / seen
  • Grace (speak) to Rebecca a while ago.
  • Excuse me,_________ for someone ? - Yes , I _______for the manager. (YOU LOOK, LOOK)
    are you looking/ I am looking
  • for or since ? 3 years
  • I'm afraid I'm not hungry. I _________________________ (already, eat).
    have already eaten
  • This exercise book _________________________ (cost) €17.
  • think I ____ a ham sandwich for lunch. (HAVE)
    will have
  • ever .......(go) to New York?
  • When I first (meet) them, they (both/study) engineering.
    met / were both studying
  • When (Andrew Jackson/become) the president of the USA?
    did Andrew Jackson become
  • I _________________________ (see) three movies so far this week.
    have seen
  • What_____ ? - I_____ an email to a friend in China. (YOU DO, WRITE)
    are you doing/ I am writing
  • Emma was promoted because she ___(work) hard
    had worked
  • Until now, they (live) in their parents' house.
    are living
  • (you/finish) doing the laundry yet?
    Have you finished
  • It's a beautiful day. I'm sure you (enjoy) our trip.
    will enjoy
  • My family (buy) a piece of land in the South last year. They (build) a summer house there at the moment.
    bought / are building
  • A: What would you like to drink? B. I (have) some strawberry milkshake.
    will have
  • Columbus_______________ (discover) America more than 400 years ago
  • At 8 o'clock yesterday morning we _____to the beach. (DRIVE)
    were driving
  • I _____ on a biking tour in Cornwall once, but that was a long time ago. (GO)
  • I think Tristan (drive) to work this very moment.
    is driving
  • It's a beautiful drive. I'm sure you _________________________ (enjoy) the scenery.
    will enjoy
  • When we to see them last night they ______cards
    were playing
  • By the time I ___ (get) home, my brother had already lef
  • You can turn off the TV. I (not/watch) it.
    am not watching
  • Mr. Green (teach) ____________ French since he left London in 1997.
    has taught
  • He _____ (not/speak) to me for over three weeks
    hasn't spoken
  • Our oldest son (not/graduate) from the university yet.
    has not graduated
  • for or since ? 5 years
  • for or since ? I met her
  • Until now, Ben (work) _______________ very hard.
    has worked
  • Last night Tom……………………. (sleep) very well.
  • He _____ (buy) a new car last week
  • We (not begin) ___________ to study for the test yet.
    haven't begun
  • for or since ? 1st July
  • We had managed to reach our destination before it ___ (get) dark
  • What ..... you .........(do) tomorrow at work?(fixed plans)
  • We ______back from our holiday. It was magnificent. (JUST COME)
    have just come
  • Bob (see) ................. this movie before
    hasn't seen
  • While I ______ for my passport I _______ this old photograph. (LOOK, FIND)
    was looking/found
  • for or since ? 2024
  • ....... you recently ........(buy) any technological devices?
  • Most people _________________________ (be) at work when the fire _________________________ (start).
    were, started
  • I ________(not/eat) meat since I was eighteen
    haven't eaten
  • Look! The road is covered in ice. That old man _________________________ (fall).
    is going to fall
  • She (not study) ………………….. on Friday
    doesn't study
  • What (they/do) at 11:00 last night?
    were they doing
  • She _________________________ (not hear) anything about his past yet.
    hasn't heard
  • for or since ? 5 o'clock
  • I promise that I (not/tell) anyone about her secret.
    will not tell
  • He (wear) _________ the same coat since he (move) ___________ here.
    has worn / moved
  • Do you realize that you _______on my toe right now? (STAND)
    are standing
  • When I _____into the room, the baby was sleeping . (WALK)
  • The phone……………………. (ring) at midnight last Sunday.
  • I (live)_________in  Warsaw since 1975.
    have lived
  • What (you/cook) tonight?
    are going to cook
  • (speak) ………………….. English?
    Do / speak
  • When ….. you last meet up with your whole family?
  • I __________(not/see) you for more than a wee
    haven't seen
  • I (have) ……………………. a little trouble with my car last week.
  • She never _________________________ (speak) about her family.
  • What _________________________ (you, think) of her new boyfriend?
    do you think
  • This homework is quite difficult. I (help) you do it.
    will help
  • Jack usually _________________________ (smoke) but he _________________________ (not smoke) when his father is home.
    smokes, doesn't smoke
  • My friend _____ ( not/go) to work yesterday
    didn't go
  • He (not/see) his nephews since last summer.
    has not seen
  • Do you have any plans for this afternoon ? - Yes,I _____ a walk in the park. (TAKE)
    am going to take
  • The band _________________________ (play) while I _________________________ (drink) my wine.
    was playing, was drinking
  • I’m sorry the car is not here. I (just sell) ______________ it.
    have just sold
  • How …. you usually travel to school or work?
  • _________________________ (you, ever, buy) a car?
    Have you ever bought
  • "Where _________________________ (you, go)?" "I _________________________ (see) Peter in half an hour."
    are you going, am seeing
  • William ___ (be) excited because he ____ (pass) his driving test
    was / had passed
  • Unfortunately, our team (not win) any games last year.
    didn't win
  • I (see) ______ that film several times because I like it.
    have seen
  • Her mother _________________________ (live) in Sydney for the past five years.
    has lived
  • What ........... you ………. (do) yesterday?
    did / do
  • I ________(know) him since 1986
    have known
  • We always _____to the mall on Saturdays. It ____pretty crowded there. (COME, GET)
  • The last moon landing _____(be) a spectacular show!
  • Where (you/have) dinner yesterday?
    did you have
  • Sheldon (make) a speech when his friends (enter) the hall.
    was making / entered
  • The Bakers (live) _______ in New York for 3 months.
    have lived
  • ______ everything that the newspapers say ? - No, I _______any of it. (YOU BELIEVE, NOT BELIEVE)
    Do you believe/ I don't believe
  • When we (get) to the airport, we realized that our plane (take) off.
    got/ had taken
  • for or since ? ages