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  • Ona voli sendviče. jagode i spanać.
    She likes sandwiches, strawberries and spinach.
  • idemo da jedemo picu.
    Let's go and have a pizza.
  • Gde ideš ?
    Where are you going?
  • Moj tata sedi tamo.
    My father is sitting over there.
  • When is your best friend's birthday?
    My best friend's birthday is on...
  • Ona ne voli čokoladu i čips.
    She doesn't like chocolate and chips.
  • Šta će oni da kupe?
    What are they going to bye?
  • What do you dream of?
    I dream of (swimming with the dolphins).
  • Ne volim ovo odelo.
    I don't like this suit.
  • Da li si spreman za koncert?
    Are you ready for the concert?
  • Ja sam umoran i veoma nervozan.
    I am tired and very nervous.
  • Ja sam tako gladan.
    I am so hungry.
  • Oni ne vole jagode i sendwiče.
    They don't like strawberries and sandwiches.
  • Mum, what can I do?
    Mama, šta da radim?
  • Gde su moji mama i tata?
    Where are my mum and dad?
  • Oni vole banane, pasulj i brokoli.
    They like bananas, beans and broccoli.
  • Ne budi šašav.
    Don't be silly.
  • Hvala vam svima.
    Thank you all.
  • What date is today?
    It's ( 2nd of February).
  • Oni samo kasne.
    They are just late
  • Napolju je jako hladno.
    It's too cold outside?
  • When is your birthday?
    My birthday is on (25th of April).
  • Igraj se na kompjuteru.
    Play on your computer.
  • Da li si uzbuđen?
    Are you excited?
  • Hajdemo na plivanje.
    Let's go swimming.