
US History Review

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  • The first president of the United States
    George Washington
  • A body of electors who represent the people's vote in choosing the president
    electoral college
  • This treaty settled disputes that had arisen between the United States and Great Britain.
    Jay's Treaty
  • Pennsylvania rebellion over a state tax eventually ended by President Washington himself.
    Whiskey Rebellion
  • What party did Alexander Hamilton found?
  • Washington didn't want the United States to get involved in overseas affairs and signed a ______________________ stating we were going to remain like "Switzerland" when it came to war in Europe.
    Neutrality Proclamation
  • The first secretary of state who thought it was wrong for speculators to buy bonds at a low price
    Thomas Jefferson
  • In his farewell address, President Washington reminded us that who are the country's real leaders?
    the citizens of the United States
  • Why did the United States begin in national debt?
    the Revolutionary War
  • This treaty settled the dispute over trade and border with Spain
    Pickney's Treaty
  • In 1789 the French stood up against their king in the
    French Revolution
  • Where was the first US capital?
    New York City
  • What treaty ended the war with the Native Americans? *hint color of turtle*
    Treaty of Greenville
  • people who buy items at low prices in hopes the value will rise and they can sell them back at a higher profit
  • Where was the second US capital?
  • The first secretary of the treasury
    Alexander Hamilton
  • Alexander Hamilton wanted to create a _______________________ so the government could safely deposit their money and also make loans.
    Alexander Hamilton
  • When the French wanted a bribe from the United States the incident became known as
    the XYZ affair
  • Private ships hired by a country to attack enemies
  • The Indian chief who led his troops in battle successfully against the United States.
    Little Turtle
  • In order to strengthen the United States' economy, this was created by Alexander Hamilton.
    Bank of the United States
  • What party did Thomas Jefferson and James Madison found?
    Democratic-Republican Party
  • This act created three levels of federal courts and defined their power sand relationship to the state courts.
    Judiciary Act of 1789
  • Certificates of debt that carry a promise the government will buy them back at a higher price
  • The Sedition Act did what
    couldn't publish or criticize the government
  • An action or decision that serves as an example