
Ecce Romani Chapter 43 Translation

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  • in urbe
    in the city
  • frigidarium
    cold room
  • caldarium
    hot room
  • exercuissent
    They had exercised
  • What tense is "colloquebantur"?
  • poposcerunt
    they demanded
  • tepidarium
    warm room
  • statim
  • vidisse
    to have seen
  • Mox
  • Translate "Iam hora sexta erat. "
    Now it was the sixth hour
  • audivisse
    to have heard
  • "pecunia data" is an example of a/an
    ablative absolute
  • quid in senatu ageretur
    What was being dicussed/done in the Senate
  • cotidie
    Every day/daily
  • "Vino sumpto" is an example of a/an
    ablative absolute
  • cum duobus amicis
    with two friends
  • in aquam frigidam
    into the cold water
  • portabant
    They were carrying
  • luctabantur
    They were wresting
  • in apodyterium inierunt
    They went into the changing room/locker room.
  • Translate "domo egressus"
    Having left home
  • pati
    to endure/suffer
  • "Ingressus est" looks passive, but translate as active because it is a/an