
Teen Express Unit 2 Lesson 2 Reading Comprehensi ...

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  • Why don't auditory learners need to take notes?
    They remember words just by hearing them.
  • Which type of learner creates Mind Maps?
    visual learner
  • Which type of learner has a strong urge to explore the environment they're in?
    kinaesthetic learner
  • What would a kinaesthetic learner after he bought a new mobile phone? Read the manual, call a friend to ask, try how it works.
    Try how it works.
  • What do the letters VAK stand for?
    Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic learning style
  • What helps you to concentrate at school?
  • Which type of learner needs the hands-on experience?
    kinaesthetic learner
  • Give 3 examples of visual aids.
    Diagrams, illustrated books, videos, flipcharts, interactive whiteboards, maps.
  • Which kind of learner prefers talking things through?
    auditory learner
  • Do you listen to music when you study?
  • What is your dominant learning style?
    Visual, auditory or kinaesthetic.
  • Which kind of learner takes detailed notes?
    visual learner
  • Video tutorials - do you watch / listen / do what they show
  • Which type of learner prefers a tactile experience?
    kinaesthetic learner
  • Why do we all learn differently?
    Becase we have different learning styles.
  • Name 3 activities that an auditory learner usually enjoys.
    Listening to audio books, lectures, debates, listening to music.
  • Which type of learners pays attention to body language and facial expression?
    visual learner