
NTTU - A2B - U7 - Much/many/a lot of/ a little/ ...

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  • We have _____ potatoes. We can make some soup
    a few - a lot of
  • I have _____ friends. They all like me
    a lot of - a few
  • I have _____ sugar in my tee. It's not very sweet
    a little
  • How ____ salt do you put in soup?
  • Would you like some cheese? Yes, please, just ___
    a little
  • There are only _____ good students in our class
    a few
  • There are _________ people on the bus. I can't get on
    a lot of
  • Would you like _____ sweets?
    a few - some
  • How __ people are there in you class?
  • We have ___ friends in Paris so we can visit them
    a few - a lot of
  • I have ___ money. I can buy a ticket
    a little
  • How ___ apples have you got?
  • How __ people are there in you class?