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  • What's on TV tonight? he
    He wondered what was on TV that night.
  • Is your mother-in-law arriving in the morning? my sister
    My sister asked (me) if my mother-in-law was arriving in the morning.
  • Did you have a good time yesterday? Peter ask/want to know/wonder
    Peter wanted to know if I had had a good time the day before.
  • Where do you come from? foreigner
    The foreigner asked (me) where I came from.
  • Can you visit us next weekend? my aunt
    My aunt asked us if we could visit them next weekend.
  • Where can I park the car? driver
    The driver wanted to know where he could park the car.
  • Will your report be ready for tomorrow? my manager
    My manager wanted to know if my report would be ready for the next day.
  • What time will the plane arrive? a fellow passenger
    A fellow passenger asked (me) what time the plane would arrive.
  • How do you keep up with the news when you are on holiday? my friend
    My friend asked how I kept up with the news when I was on holiday.
  • What's the email address for the HR department? my workmate
    My workmate asked (me) what the email address for the HR department was.
  • Are you excited about Christmas? my friend
    My friend wanted to know if I was excited about Christmas.
  • What time are we meeting? uncle
    My uncle asked (me) what time we were meeting.