
Let's Get it Sorted

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  • Tin cans, juice boxes and clean paper can be....
  • Name three things you can put in the green bin
  • Food scraps don't break down in landfill because there is no....
  • The stuff in the green bin is turned into...
  • what two alternative materials can straws be made from?
    Paper, steel or bamboo
  • Bin juice is also called...
  • Turtles often mistake plastic bags for...
  • What does FOGO stand for?
    Focus on going organic
    Food organics garden organics
    Fun oranges green olives
    Food only garden only
  • Name a landfill gas that contributes to global warming
    methane or carbon dioxide
  • This Replas bench is made out of...
    recycled paper
    soft plastics
  • Can soft plastics be recycled in the yellow bin?
  • Too much contamination in the yellow bin means everything goes to...
  • Show the teacher something that can be recycled
  • How long does it takes Australian households to throw out 1 tonne of plastic waste??
    1 hour
    1 minute
    1 month
    1 week
  • How many coffee cups do Australians throw away every day?
    500 000
    2.7 million
    1.5 million
  • Name a company that recycles soft plastics in Australia
    Terra Cycle!
  • approximately how long does it take for a fishing line to biodegrade in the ocean?
    700 years
    2 years
    100 000 years
    10 000 years
  • What bin does dirty canteen paper go in?
  • Recyclable or non- recyclable?
  • How can we turn this item into a resource?
    put it in the FOGO bin / put it in a worm farm / feed it to a pet