
Rest Tue 1010 FINAL grammar part

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  • ........... (smoke) is not allowed here.
  • What ......... (you do) if ........ (you see) a ghost?
    would you, you saw
  • She refused ........... (help) me.
    to help
  • Brian would help you today, if he ...... (not/break) his arm last Monday.
    had finished
  • If the weather ........(not/be) so cold, we (go) to the beach last Sunday.
    hadn't been, would have gone
  • I am looking forward........... (meet) you.
    to meeting
  • She can't make up her mind ...........(go) there or not.
    to go
  • Her boss ........... the staff ..............(do) overtime today. (rather)
    would rather /did overtime today
  • Kiedyś nie miałam tylu obowiązków.
    I didn't use to have so many duties.
  • We intend ........... (close) th deal today.
    to close
  • What .... you .... (do) if you won the lottery?
    would you do?
  • There is no sense ........... (cancel) this meeting at the 11th hour.
  • Where ... you.... (be)? (rather)
    Where would you rather be?
  • If he ............. (can ) change his job, he would be a lot happier but unfortunately he can't.
  • I would not have read your diary if you .................(not hide) it in such an obvious place.
    hadn't hidden
  • If I had taken my phone. yesterday, I ............ (not/get lost).
    wouldn't have got lost
  • Czy Barney jest przyzwyczajony do nowych zasad.
    Is Barney used to new rules?
  • Brian will call you, if he .... (finish )earlier today.
  • She managed ........... (win) it.
    to win
  • She ................(go) out with you if you had only asked her.
    would have gone
  • If I didn't have a mobile phone, I ....................(not / be) able to do my job every day.
    wouldn't be
  • I .......... (stay) at home today. (rather)
    'd rather stay
  • What ............... (do) tonight? (rather)
    What would you rather do tonight?
  • Kiedyś mieszkałem w Londynie.
    I used to live in London.
  • Even if he ......... (ask) them, they wouldn't have agreed to come.
    had asked
  • if she hadn't threatend him, he .... (say) it yesterday.
    would have said
  • If Greg ..... (invest) his money , he .... (become) a rich man long time ago.
    had invested, would have become
  • If I .....................(tell) you a secret, you would be sure to leak it.
  • She .............. (not/go) there today. (rather)
    'd rather not go
  • He advised ........... (sell) it.
    to sell
  • Do you mind ........... (close) the window?
  • If we ...................(know) about your problem, we would have helped you.
    had known
  • Do you mind if I ........... (close) the window?
  • She avoided ........... (make) a quick decision.
  • They ............ (reconsider) this decision. (rather)
    'd rather reconsider
  • She'd rather ........... (do) it now.
  • If she ....... (be) more efficient on a daily basis, she ....... (get promoted) long time ago.
    were, would have got
  • I'd rather you ........... (do) it today.
  • If she ........... (have ) more time tomorrow, she .... (go) out.
    has, will go
  • My boss made ........... (us/stay) longer yesterday.
    us stay
  • Bill nie był przyzwyczajony do jazdy po lewej stronie ale teraz nie ma już problemu.
    Bill wasn't used to driving on the left but now he doesn't have any problems.
  • We .....................(arrive) earlier if we had not missed the bus.
    would have arrived
  • If she .... (not go) to the meeting, I will not go either.
    doesn't go
  • She is used ........... (wake up) early.
    to waking up
  • We'd rather they ........... (do) it today.
  • Would you mind if I ........... (close) the window.
  • Nie martw się! Przyzwyczaisz się do tego!
    Don't worry! You will get used to it!
  • Brian would  have called you last Tuesday, if he ..... (finish) earlier.
    had finished
  • We'd rather ........... (do) it today.
  • I ........... you........ (stay) with me. (rather)
    'd rather you stayed
  • if he ..... (meet) Mary, he will say "hello".
  • She always has difficulties ........... (meet) deadlines.
  • He warned us ........... (not/ go) there.
    not to go / against going
  • Greg miał kiedyś więcej pracy.
    Greg used to have more work.
  • They decided ........... (buy) it.
    to buy
  • Why ........... (worry)?
  • I'd love ........... (hike).
    to hike
  • They suggested ............... (postpone) the meeting.
  • George .............. Megan (arrive)..... on time.(rather)
    'd rather Megan arrived
  • If she .... (work) harder last year, she would have been promoted last year.
    had worked
  • She likes ........... (hike).
  • I'd rather ........... (do) it now.
  • Greg nie przyzwyczaił się jeszcze do tego.
    Greg hasn't got used to it yet.
  • If I ....(be) you, I wouldn't do it.
  • ..... you .... help me, if you have time tomorrow?
    will you help
  • Okay, I ......................(get) the popcorn if you buy the drinks.
    will get
  • She succeeded ........... (win) it!
    in winning
  • If we sneak out quietly, nobody ........(notice) .
    will notice
  • She ............... you (not/ go) there alone. (rather)
    'd rather you didn't go there.
  • There are many advantages ........... (buy) it.
    of buying
  • Mr Brown promised ........... (sign) the contract ASAP.
    to sign
  • if it ......... (snow) tomorrow, I .... (go skiing)
    snows, will go
  • She used........... (live) in London.
    to live
  • If Lucy .... (have) enough time, she ...... (travel) more but unfortnately she is always very busy.
    had, would travel
  • I ........... (not/do) overtime today. (rather)
    would rather not do
  • He made ................ (wait/us) for hours.
    us wait
  • She agreed ........... (do) it for me.
    to do
  • Bob ....... Mary (not/invest) her money in this business. (rather)
    would rather Mary didn't invest
  • Keep ........... (work)! Don't give up!
  • I am not interested ........... (watch) this film.
    in watching
  • Greg insisted ........... (visit) this new venue.
    on visitting
  • Ona nie jest przyzwyczajona do wczesnego wstawania.
    She isn't used to getting up early.
  • if you ..... (not/be) so stubborn, we .... (not/have) so many arguments every day.
    weren't, wouldn't have