
Discover 2

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  • What is this?
    It's popcorn.
  • He is cold. (simple past)
    He was cold.
  • It was ice, now ....
    it is water.
  • What do we fill a balloon with?
    We fill it with gas.
  • What is this?
    It's a kettle.
  • What is this?
    It's an icicle.
  • What is this?
    This is solid
  • What is this?
    This is gas
  • What is this?
    It's a candle.
  • What does water do?
    It flows
  • What is this?
    This is melt
  • What is this?
    This is steam
  • What is this?
    It's a balloon.
  • It is hot. (simple past)
    It was hot.
  • What comes out of a boiled kettle?
    Steam comes out.
  • She isn't happy.(simple past)
    She wasn't happy.
  • What is this?
    This is heat
  • What is this?
    This is liquid
  • What happens to water in a kettle?
    It boils. (gets hot)
  • What is this?
    This is ice
  • What happens to an ice pop when there is heat?
    It melts.
  • What is this?
    This is freeze
  • It was an orange, now ......
    it is orange juice.
  • What is this?
    It's an ice pop.