
FCE Passive Voice

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  • All flights were cancelled by the airline because of the fog.
    The airline cancelled all flights because of the fog.
  • His colleagues gave him a present when he retired.
    He was given a present by his colleagues when he retired.
  • Nobody told me that George was ill.
    I wasn't told that George was ill.
  • Three million people watch TV plays every week.
    TV plays are watched by three million people every week.
  • An American invented the laser.
    The laser was invented by an American.
  • Brazil produces large quantities of coffee.
    Large quantities of coffee are produced in Brazil.
  • She was recommended a new doctor by her friend.
    Her friend recommended her a new doctor.
  • They don't pay Jim very much.
    Tim isn't paid very much.
  • She promised him a book.
    He was promised a book.
  • People don't use this road very often.
    This road is not used very often.
  • Someone ordered the prisoners to stand up.
    The prisoners were ordered to stand up.
  • Poor John! A drunk driver ran him over.
    Poor John! He was run over by a drunk driver.
  • The critics gave the play good reviews.
    The play was given good reviews.
  • He put off the meeting.
    The meeting was put off.
  • I was told the latest news by a friend this morning.
    A friend told me the latest news this morning.
  • They picked the students up from the school.
    The students were picked up from the school.