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  • They were exploring the abandoned house when they... Follow the story!
    Open answer.
  • By the time we _____ (get) to the cabin, the storm _____ (already start)
    By the time we got to the cabin, the storm had already started.
  • She _____ (just turn) off the lights when she _____ (hear) a whisper.
    She had just turned off the lights when she heard a whisper.
  • As the full moon _____ (rise), the howling of wolves _____ (echo) through the night.
    As the full moon was rising, the howling of wolves echoed through the night.
  • He _____ (never hear) such terrifying screams until he _____ (visit) the haunted asylum.
    He had never heard such terrifying screams until he visited the haunted asylum.
  • They _____ (finish) exploring the basement before they _____ (realize) they were being watched.
    They had finished exploring the basement before they realized they were being watched.
  • By the time we _____ (realise) the house was cursed, it _____ (already be) too late to leave.
    By the time we realised the house was cursed, it was already too late to leave.
  • By the time the caretaker _____ (arrive), the spirits _____ (already disappear).
    By the time the caretaker arrived, the spirits had already disappeared.
  • When we ___ (arrive) at the haunted house, the sun (already set)...
    arrived / had already set
  • We _____ (sit) around the campfire when we _____ (see) a shadowy figure in the woods.
    We were sitting around the campfire when we saw a shadowy figure in the woods.
  • He _____ (find) a hidden room behind the bookcase before he _____ (vanish) without a trace.
    He had found a hidden room behind the bookcase before he vanished without a trace.
  • As I _____ (open) the creaky door, a bat _____ (fly) out and startled me.
    As I was opening the creaky door, a bat flew out and startled me.
  • She _____ (just settle) into bed when she _____ (see) a ghostly figure at the foot of it.
    She had just settled into bed when she saw a ghostly figure at the foot of it.
  • As the wind _____ (blow) fiercely, the candle suddenly _____ (go) out.
    As the wind was blowing fiercely, the candle suddenly went out.
  • After they _____ (find) the ancient artifact.... Follow the story!
    had found + Open answer
  • He _____ (never believe) in ghosts until he _____ (see) one standing at the foot of his bed.
    He had never believed in ghosts until he saw one standing at the foot of his bed.
  • As I was walking through the dark forest, I suddenly heard a strange noise... Follow the story!
    Open answer.
  • He _____ (walk) home late at night when he ____ (feel) someone following him... Open answer.
    was walking / felt + open answer
  • She _____ (sleep) in her bed when a loud crash _____ (wake) her up.
    She was sleeping in her bed when a loud crash woke her up.
  • We _____ (set up) camp in the woods when we ____ (stumble upon) an ancient grave... Follow the story!
    were setting up / stumbled upon + open asnwer.
  • While I _____ (explore) the old attic, I _____ (find) an ancient, dusty book.
    While I was exploring the old attic, I found an ancient, dusty book.
  • While the clock struck midnight, the old mansion's doors... Follow the story!
    Open asnwer.
  • They _____ (walk) through the graveyard when they _____ (hear) a strange whisper.
    They were walking through the graveyard when they heard a strange whisper.
  • She ___ (just / close) her eyes when she ___ (feel) a cold hand on her shoulder... Follow the story!
    had just closed / felt + open asnwer