
Used to

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  • Where did you use to spend your vacations?
    I used to spend...
  • Did you use to prefer reading books or watching TV shows?
    I used to prefer...
  • What sports or games did you use to play when you were a child?
    I used to play..../ I didn't use to play any ....
  • Did you use to have a different nickname when you were a child?
    My nickname was .../ I didn't have any nickname
  • What did you use to watch on TV when you were a child?
    I used to watch.../ I didn't use to watch...
  • Which subjects did you use to enjoy the most in school?
    I used to enjoy .... / I didn't use to enjoy any ....
  • Where did you use to travel  when you were younger?
    I used to ..../ I didn't use to ....
  • Where did you use to live when you were 10 years old?
    I used to live in ...