
Angles and coordinates

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  • What is located at (17,9)
  • Look at the diagram, what is the size of the angle for clockwise movement from East to West?
  • How many degrees are there in a full turn?
  • The opposite of NNW is?
    SSE (south, south, east)
  • What kind of angle is this?
    Obtuse angle
  • What is located at (15,0)?
  • What is the ordered pair for letter J?
  • How many degrees is an acute angle?
    Less than 90
  • What is the name of the blue axis?
  • What kind of angle is this?
    Acute angle
  • Find the angle APB.
  • How many degrees are in a right angle?
  • What is the name of the yellow axis?
  • What is the ∠x in the figure shown below?
    12 ° 
  • I am standing facing West. If I make an anti- clockwise turn of 225°, where will I be facing at the end?
  • What is the ordered pair for letter M?
  • How many degrees are in a quarter turn?
  • I am standing facing North. If I make a clockwise turn of 90°, where will I be facing at the end?
  • What is the scale for the y-axis on this graph?
    Count by 3
  • I am standing facing Southwest. If I make a clockwise turn of 135°, where will I be facing at the end?
  • What is located at ordered pair (6,2)?
    a windmill
  • An angle greater than 90 degrees
    Obtuse Angle
  • Maggie wants to plot TWO points so she can make a square on the coordinate plane. Where should she plot the points?
    (3, 1) and (7, 1) OR (3, 9) and (7, 9)
  • An angle that is exactly 90 degrees
    Right angle
  • Alex wanted to make a parallelogram beginning with the points H, I, and F. Where should he place the fourth point?
    (2, 0)
  • What is the angle in the figure shown below?
  • How many degrees are in a half turn?
  • What kind of angle is this?
    Right angle
  • How many degrees are in a straight line?
  • An angle smaller than 90 degrees
    Acute angle
  • Look at the diagram, what is the size of the angle for anti-clockwise movement from Southeast to West?
    225 ° 
  • What scale is used for the y-axis?
    Count by 5