
Passive Voice

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  • Have you ever been punished or made to pay for something that you did not do?
  • What have you been given lately?
  • Has your computer ever been hacked?
  • Who are the best electronics made by?
  • What materials are your clothes or shoes made from?
  • A hungry man steals a loaf of bread. How should he be punished?
  • Where is your favourite fruit grown?
  • What should be done about air and water pollution?
  • What do you think is the most popular luxury item in your country? Who is it made by?
  • Have you ever been awarded a prize?
  • What is exported by your country?
  • Has your luggage ever been lost while traveling?
  • What is imported by your country?
  • What is usually eaten for breakfast in your country?
  • What cell phone game is played most in your country?
  • What do you think expensive perfume is made from?
  • Who wrote your favorite book?
  • What traditions are kept in your family?
  • Who are the most expensive cars made by?