
Aches/Pains review

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  • head, shoulders, ________, and _________.
    knees and toes
  • Chris is going to Canada in the winter. He should _____________________.
    wear a coat. bring winter clothes. eat warm food.
  • Leah has a cold. What should she do? Name 3 things she should do.
    1. drink lots of water 2. rest 3. eat healthy food 4. stay at home
  • Don't go outside without a jacket. You might get a sore throat/toothache.
    sore throat
  • Don't touch the stove when it is hot. You will _______ yourself.
  • I've got a toothache. Who should I see? What shouldn't I do?
    You should see the dentist.
  • Make sure you wear a helmet when you ride a bike, incase you _________.
  • Name the two aches in the pictures.
    headache and sore throat
  • I've eaten too many sweets, I have a _________.
    tooth ache
  • My friend is being mean to me. I should _______________.
    tell the teacher. tell him/her to stop. tell him/her to be kind.
  • You _______ play Fortnite, if you a headache.
  • She's got a _________. She shouldn't eat anymore churros.
    stomach ache
  • I shouldn't eat too much pizza. I might get a _________.
    stomach ache
  • My friend is very sick. He should take some _______.
  • We all have ________. We shouldn't talk too much.
    sore throats
  • My friend Hugo is coming to my house tomorrow. We should ____________.
  • Nadine is playing football and she is wearing sandals. She might hurt/burn herself.
  • Jessica has an ear ache. Should she go swimming?
    No, she shouldn't.
  • Does her hand hurt? She _________ play catch.
  • Should the boy in the picture go to the doctor?
    Yes, he should.
  • Leah's face feels very hot. She's got a ___________. What should she do ?
  • Name the two aches shown in the pictures.
    cough and cold
  • Create a should/shouldn't question and answer .
  • I hit my eye really hard on the door. I'm going to have a ______ there.
  • Daniela has a headache. She should/shouldn't play with her friends today.
  • Aitor has a backache. He should/shouldn't stretch carefully.