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  • She suggested (to attend / attending) the upcoming business conference together.
  • They don't mind (to receive / receiving) feedback from customers about their products.
  • He stopped (to post / posting) on social media after the negative feedback.
  • He appreciates (to receive / receiving) constructive feedback from colleagues.
  • She enjoys (to write / writing) professional emails for her clients.
  • She aims (to achieve / achieving) a higher engagement rate on social media.
    to achieve
  • She avoids (to share / sharing) personal information on professional social media platforms.
  • They plan (to launch / launching) a new marketing campaign next month.
    to launch
  • She enjoys (to analyze / analyzing) market trends and consumer behavior.
  • We recommend (to use / using) email marketing as part of your digital strategy.
    to use
  • He suggested (to use / using) social media advertising to reach a wider audience.
    to use
  • We want (to improve / improving) our online presence by updating our website regularly.
    to improve
  • He prefers (to communicate / communicating) with clients via email rather than phone calls.
    to communicate
  • He hesitates (to invest / investing) in cryptocurrency due to the volatility of the market.
    to invest
  • He decided (to create / creating) a LinkedIn profile to expand his professional network.
    to create
  • I can't help (to check / checking) my social media accounts during work breaks.
  • She regrets (to not respond / not responding) to the customer's complaint sooner.
    not responding
  • We consider (to outsource / outsourcing) some tasks to improve efficiency.
    to outsource
  • We need (to update / updating) our product descriptions to provide more information to customers.
    to update