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  • What tactic do belugas teach their young to avoid being detected by orcas?
    Take small, quiet breaths
  • What type of animals are belugas?
    Belugas are Toothed whales
  • What do humpback whales eat?
    Humpback whales eat krill and small fish.
  • Humpback whales use a NET to feed themselves, what´s the name of that Net?
    bubble-net feeding
  • Who gets the food in the orca family?
    The mother
  • Where do orcas live?
    Orcas live in all oceans.
  • What is the major danger belugas face after reaching open water?
  • What are humpback whales famous for?
    their songs.
  • What do sperm whales hunt?
    Sperm whales hunt squid.
  • How do belugas communicate?
    Belugas communicate with clicks and whistles.
  • What do orcas eat?
    Orcas eat fish and marine mammals.
  • Where do belugas live?
    Belugas live in Arctic and sub-Arctic waters.
  • Which whale is the only one that has no teeth? and it is known as...
    Humpback , known as Baleen whales.
  • Humpback whales belong to the same family ?
    They are not from the same pod (manada), they are old-friends .
  • What similarities do humpback whales share with humans?
    big hearts, large brains and culture.
  • What color are beluga whales?
    Beluga whales are white.
  • Which whale has the largest brain ?
    Sperm whales have the largest brains