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  • What is a group of similar organisms that can mate with each other and produce fertile offspring called?
  • Darwin researched adaptations of organisms on which islands?
  • If temperature incresases what happens to the enzyme
    The enzyme will work faster until 40 degree where it starts to denature
  • ________ is the process by which individuals that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce
    Natural selection
  • What are enzymes
    They are biological catalysts that speed up the rate of the reaction
  • What is an ester bond?
    It is the chemical link between the acid and the alcohol
  • List 4 types of biomolecules
    lipds, carbohydrates, nucleic acids proteins
  • Name one organism from the Galapagos AND the special adaptation they developed to survive there.
    Cormorant or Iguana
  • What is triglyceride made of? (Explain it)
    It is made by one glycerol and 3 fatty acids
  • What type of molecule is starch
    carbohydrate or poly saccharide
  • List the roles of triglycerides
    There are 3 roles
  • _____________is the gradual change of species over time
  • _________ are traits that help an organism survive and reproduce.
  • What was the name of the person that developed the Theory of Evolution?
    Charles Darwin
  • Name three  factors affect enzymes
    pH, substrate concentration, temperature, enzyme concentration