
Part 3 History Review Questions 2023 years 1800- ...

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  • At Harper’s Ferry in 1859, who captured a federal arsenal, & tried to start a slave revolt?
    Ulysses S. Grant
    Nat Turner
    Abe Lincoln
    John Brown
  • What did states’ rights have to do with the Civil War?
    The North wanted each state to have its own power.
    The South wanted each state to have its own power
    The North didn’t want the South to have any say in the govt.
    The south wanted to have power over the northern states.
  • What were clipper ships used to transport?
    Furs, gold, diamonds
    Sugar, rum, furniture
    Slaves, opium, tea
    Silk, jewels, tools
  • Tor F Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, & West Virginia were slave states.
  • Why did southerners have slaves?
    For labor building furniture
    For labor in their factories
    For labor on their plantations and farms
    For labor clearing lumber on the frontier
  • Which state first seceded from the Union and when?
    Texas, December 1836
    Virginia, December 1865
    North Carolina, December 1821
    South Carolina, December 1820
  • What was hunted with clipper ships and why?
    Dolphins to use as pets
    Fish for sale in the market
    Whales for their oil and baleen
    Eels for their thick skins
  • What made clipper ships travel fast?
    They were flat like a barge with no sails
    They were large with 2 massive sails
    They were small with many sails
    They had twenty rowers per side
  • Name the secret system of stops for slaves escaping from the south.
    The Underground Railroad
    The Pony Express
    The Super-Spy Network
    The Abolitionist Rebellion
  • *What agreement did the the Kansas Nebraska act of 1854 un-do? P 240
    Missouri Compromise of 1820
    The Declaration of Independence
    Dred Scott Decision (Slaves could not be US citizens)
    The 13th Ammendment to the Constitution (outlawed slavery)
  • What was Harriet Tubman known for?
    Escaping slavery and hiding in a cabin
    Helping the Union as a spy in the Civil War
    Writing Uncle Tom’s Cabin
    Helping about 300 slaves escape to freedom
  • *What was something the Dred Scott decision by the Supreme Court NOT do? P 241
    Ensured that slaves that reach free states are free
    Declared that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional
    Declared that slaves were not citizens so they couldn’t sue
    Declared that slaves were property
  • T or F-Delaware, Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, & West Virginia were part of confederacy (map in notebook wrong)
  • As part of the decision in 1850, what did the fugitive slave act mean for escaping slaves?
    Slaves could no longer be U.S. citizens
    People in slave or free states had to turn in runaways
    Fugitive slaves were free as soon as set foot in free state
    Caught runaways would be catcher's property
  • Name the new gov't. formed by South Carolina & other states that seceded?
    The Confederate States of America
    The Government of the South
    The Union of Southern States
    The Rebels
  • Where & when was the official start of the Civil War?
    Vicksburg, MS, July 4-5, 1863
    Philadelphia, PA, July 4, 1776
    Fort Sumter, SC, April 12, 1861
    Gettysburg, PA, July 7, 1863
  • True or False: The only thing that the Civil War was caused by was slavery.
  • What decision did the govt. make in 1850 that greatly affected escaping slaves? P 216
    Banning Tik-Tok Act
    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Compromise of 1850
    Dred Scott Decision
  • Why did Harriet Beecher Stowe write Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
    To be a code-cracking book for escaping slaves
    To try to gain slave-owner’s support for abolition
    To show to Northerners how cruel slavery was
    To defend slavery to Northerners
  • *Abraham Lincoln ran for president as a ___________. P 242
    Old-Line Whig/ Constitutional Union party for compromise
    Southern Democrat for Dred Scott decision and states’ rights
    Northern or Regular Democrat for popular sovereignty
    Republican for stopping the expansion of slavery