
A1 /HSK 3 单词

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  • 城市
    city, town(chéng shì)
  • 害怕
    to be afraid; to be scared(hài pà)
  • 鼻子
    nose (bí zi)
  • more, further, furthermore(gèng)
  • grass, straw, rough, hasty(cǎo)
  • 地方
    Place (dì fang)
  • to grasp, to hold, to handleprecedes BA-form object(bǎ)
  • 多么
    how (wonderful etc.); what (a great idea etc); however (difficult it may be etc.)(duō me)
  • half; half an hour(bàn)
  • 而且
    (not only ...) but also; moreover; in addition; furthermore(ér qiě)
  • river (hé)
  • 冰箱
  • measure word for stories of a building, measure word for floors(céng)
  • 地铁
    subway(dì tiě)
  • 护照
    passport (hùzhào)
  • 办法
    idea, method (bàn fǎ)
  • 宾馆
    hotel (lit. guest house) (bīnguǎn)
  • ability; talent; only (then); just(cái)
  • to spend,flower, floweryto expend(huā)
  • 放心
    to set one's mind at rest, to be at ease, to rest(fàng xīn)
  • measure word for 1/100 of a kuai, cent(fēn)
  • 别人
    others, other people, another person(bié rén)
  • 超市
    supermarket (chāo shì)
  • 除了
    besides; apart from (... also...); in addition to; except (for)(chú le)
  • 饿
    hungry (è)
  • 表演
    to perform, to demonstrateperformance, exhibition(biǎoyǎn)
  • short (duǎn)
  • spring (time); gay; joyful; youthful; love; lust; life(chūn )
  • by (indicates passive-voice sentences or clauses); quilt; to cover (literary)(bèi)
  • 比较
    compare; contrast; fairly; comparatively; relatively; quite; rather(bǐ jiào)
  • 安静
    quiet (ān jìng)
  • class (bān)
  • 电梯
    elevator (diàn tī)
  • 国家
    country, state, nation(guó jiā)
  • 比赛
    match, competition(bǐ sài)
  • to change, to exchange(huàn)
  • 复习
    to review, to revise(fù xí)
  • 关于
    with respect to, about, regarding(guān yú)
  • 刮风
    to be windy(guā fēng)
  • to return(huán)
  • 附近
    (in the) vicinity; nearby; neighboring; next to(fù jìn)
  • bad; spoiled; broken; to break down(huài)
  • 发现
    to find, discover(fā xiàn)
  • to remove, to move house(bān)
  • 担心
    anxious; worried; uneasy; to worry; to be anxious(dān xīn)
  • 花园
    Flower Garden(huā yuán)
  • 衬衫
    shirt, blouse;(chèn shān)
  • 故事
    story(gù shì)
  • 方便
    convenient(fāng biàn)
  • 过去
    (in the) past; former; previous; to go over; to pass by(guò qu)
  • 菜单
    menu(cài dān)
  • 成绩
    grade, score, achievement(chéng jì)
  • 办公室
    office (bàn gōng shì)
  • belt, tire, zoneto take, to bring, to bear, to look after(dài)
  • 爱好
    hobby (ài hào)
  • 果汁
    juice((guǒ zhī)
  • 黑板
    blackboard(hēi bǎn)
  • East (dōng)
  • differ from; short of; to lack; poor(chà)
  • 阿姨
    mother's sister, Auntie(ā yí)
  • to draw, to paint(huà)
  • 地图
    map(dì tú)
  • 出现
    to appear; to arise; to emerge; to show up(chū xiàn)
  • 告诉
    to tell; to inform; to let know(gào su)
  • 厨房
    kitchen(chú fáng)
  • 聪明
    acute (of sight and hearing); clever; intelligent; bright; smart(cōng ming)
  • 关系
    relationship(guān xì)
  • 干净
    clean, neat and tidy(gān jìng)
  • 耳朵
    Ear (ěr duǒ)
  • 打算
    to plan, to intend, to calculate, plan, intention, calculation(dǎ suàn)
  • 蛋糕
    cake (dàn gāo)
  • 还是
    or, still(hái shì)
  • 参加
    to participate, to join(cān jiā)
  • 词语
    words and expressions, terms(cí yǔ)
  • 表示
    to express; to show; to say; to state; to indicate; to mean(biǎo shì)
  • 环境
    environment (huán jìng)
  • 迟到
    Be Late (Chí dào)
  • 必须
    to have to; must; compulsory; necessarily(bì xū)
  • 根据
    on the basis of, according to(gēn jù)
  • 感冒
    common cold, to catch cold(gǎn mào)
  • 动物
  • 北方
    north; the northern part a country; China north of the Yellow River(běi fāng)
  • 关心
    to be concerned about, to be interested in(guān xīn)
  • 帮忙
    to help (bāng máng)
  • 发烧
    to have a fever(fā shāo)
  • winter(dōng)
  • to wrap, to surroundbag, package(bāo)
  • 打扫
    to clean; to sweep(dǎ sǎo)
  • with (gēn)
  • 电子邮件
    email(diàn zǐ yóu jiàn)
  • to release; to free; to let go; to put; to place; to let out; to set off (fireworks)(fàng)
  • 公园
    park (gōng yuán)
  • dare (gǎn)
  • group, section, part, paragraph(duàn)
  • 刚才
    just a moment ago(gāng cái)
  • 锻炼
    to engage in physical exercise, to temper, to toughen(duànliàn)
  • 当然
    only natural; as it should be; certainly; of course; without doubt(dāng rán)
  • lamp, lantern, light(dēng)
  • low(dī)
  • Short (ǎi)