
Negative Sentenses

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  • The teacher speaks French
    The teacher doesn't speak French
  • You called me
    You didn't call me
  • She goes to the office everyday
    She doesn't go to the office everyday
  • My parents help me study
    My parents don't help me study
  • My dogs are very cute
    My dogs aren't very cute
  • I like horror movies. They are fun.
    I don't like horror movies. They are not fun.
  • She is very young
    She is not very young
  • My mom works in an office
    My mom doesn't work in an office
  • Alice is very noisy
    Alice is not very noisy
  • This movie is my favorite
    This movie isn't my favorite
  • The shoes were expensive
    The shoes weren't expensive
  • She wrote a note
    She didn't write a note
  • They broke the TV
    They didn't break the TV
  • She likes playing videogames
    She doesn't like playing videogames
  • You loved me
    You didn't love me
  • I am 13 years old
    I am not 13 years old
  • it is raining today
    it is not raining today
  • Anton is in the school right now
    Anton is not in the school right now
  • I like this song
    I don't like this song
  • I am a cheerful person
    I am not a cheerful person
  • They love pets
    They don't love pets
  • She was beautiful
    She wasn't beautiful
  • My cousins visit me on Christmas
    My cousins don't visit me on Christmas
  • My aunt was shopping
    My aunt wasn't shopping