
CS 10 Knowing God Exam Review

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  • What does the word "gospel" mean?
    Good News
  • What happened on the Road to Damascus
    Saul was blinded by a bright light and bucked off his horse, he heard Jesus saying "why are you persecuting me". Jesus told him to go to Damascus and wait
  • The Gospel writers were guided and inspired by what?
    The Holy Spirit
  • WHAT IS THIS DEFINING - Official teachings of the Catholic Church that may not be explicitly written in Scripture
  • Describe how Tim Tebow and Mark Wahlberg are effective evangelizers
    answers will vary
  • WHAT is this describing? People whose career/profession is to study History
    Historical scholars
  • What is this defining? Proclaim our faith in Jesus and the Good News of his life, death, resurrection through words and deeds
  • Name the 4 Gospels
    Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
  • Pope Francis hopes that the Gospel will fill the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus. The Pope wishes to encourage Christians to actively evangelize because they are filled with this joy NAME THE ENCYCLICAL
    Evangelii Gaudium
  • In Damascus, what happened to Saul (St. Paul)
    Ananias came and healed him and baptised him
  • Describe John the Baptist
    Born of Mary's cousin Elizabeth, he came to PREPARE the way for the Messiah by baptising the people and having them repent their sins
  • What is the correct "rhythm" of EFFECTIVE EVANGELIZATION?
    Friendship with Jesus - leads to CONTAGIOUS joy - leads to sharing this joy - leads to a desire to follow God's laws
  • Why do we call Judaism, Christianity, and Islam "Abrahamic Religions"?
    Because God founded the religion with Abraham
  • How did St. Paul die?
    He died a martyr, he was beheaded
  • WHAT is this defining? the dedication of our whole selves to God who has revealed himself to us through both words and deeds.
  • WHAT is this describing - People whose career/profession is to study the Bible
    Biblical scholars
  • define monotheism
    belief in one God
  • What is this defining? Anyone who is a non-Jew
  • Why is it important to understand the Gospel writers, their audience, where and when they wrote the Gospels, etc.
    Because it helps us to understand HOW they wrote their Gospels. We can appreciate them more and understand them on a deeper level.
  • Christians believe in the Jewish Scriptures because it is our what?
    Old Testament
  • The 3 Abrahamic Religions all believe in the power of prayer and in the teaching to love your neighbour as yourself
  • name the 3 Abrahamic religions
    Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
  • name 3 key principles of Interfaith Dialogue
    answers will vary: some are to see others as equal partners and share and learn rather than teach
  • Do Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe in the same God
    basically yes, but we believe that God is 3 persons in 1 God and the others do not
  • THIS define which term? refers to cooperative, constructive, and positive interaction between people of different religious traditions (faiths) both at the individual level and the institutional levels.
    Interfaith dialogue
  • Why are the gospels so important to Christians?
    because they teach all about the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus
  • What does Christ mean - it is not Jesus' last name
    It means "the anointed one/the Messiah" Jesus is THE CHRIST. It is a TITLE not a name
  • Why was Saul (St. Paul) going to Damascus
    to arrest Apostles
  • WHAT is this defining? Active, even aggressive seeking of converts to one’s own religious faith often away from another religion.
  • An encyclical that discusses the damage being inflicted on the Earth by humans and calls on ‘every person living on this planet’ to make urgent changes to our lifestyles and how we consume energy in order to protect the planet is NAMED WHAT
    Laudato Si
  • THIS defines which term: the aim to promote unity among Christian churches around the world.
  • What did St. Paul do after his baptism
    He went around the entire Roman Empire spreading the Good News
  • Name the 3 stages of Gospel formation
    1. Life and teachings of Jesus 2. Oral Tradition 3. Written gospels
  • THIS is the goal of people who proselytize
    Saving souls from hell
  • A declaration from the Pope to all the faithful of the world about the relationship between the Catholic Church and non-Christian religions IS NAMED WHAT?
    Nostra Aetate
  • THIS defines what term: A term Pope Francis uses that seems to mean - the idea of reaching out, encountering, fostering dialogue and friendship even outside the usual circles
    culture of encounter
  • WHAT is this defining? Scripture included in the canon – that is, part of the collection of books the Church recognizes as the inspired Word of God.
  • The main point of disagreement between Jews, Christians, and Muslims is about their belief about WHO?
  • What does synoptic mean. Name the synoptic gospels
    It means they are written SIMILARLY. Matthew, Mark, and Luke
  • This defines what term? Someone who dies for their beliefs/faith